How to consume part and heal as a Shadow in Fortnite: Fortnitemares 2020

 Everything you see is consumable.

Fortnite: Fortnitemares 2020

Epic Games has added a replacement feature to Fortnite with the 2020 Fortnitemares event. From Oct. 21 to Nov. 3, players are transformed to Shadows once they die in Solos, Duos, or Squads and may attack other players with new abilities.

Shadows can’t use weapons or shields and have just 100 health, but they will consume items to regain health after taking damage. The fun in it's that the consumables aren’t limited to food. Shadows can consume anything, like weapons, ammo, health kits, and chug jugs.

Pretty much anything which will be found on the ground , during a chest, or an ammo box are often eaten. To consume an item in Shadow form, just interact with it to eat it as you'd normally do. It’ll only heal alittle amount of health, but this ability also can be wont to complete one among the event’s challenges.

One of the Fortnitemares 2020 challenges is to consume a Legendary loot item while in Shadow form. You’ll need to depend upon luck to seek out a Legendary item, however, since they’re rare to seek out .

Shadows have four abilities to use within the game: Dash, Shadow Jump, Slash and Scream. All of those abilities are often wont to track and attack other players. No backstabbing other Shadows, though. they will only attack the living.

Remember to devour your things to endure and finish these difficulties before the function closes on Nov. 3.

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