Apex Legends’ Horizon left Mount Olympus to seem for Branthium, in line with her traditional knowledge video

It's like a heavenly body everywhere once more.
Apex Legends’ Horizon left Mount Olympus to seem for Branthium, in line with her traditional knowledge video

It usually takes a tragic backstory to hitch the Apex Games—and Horizon isn't any exception. The story of Apex Legends’ next competition involves a promise, loss, and “a wee little bit of betrayal.”

Dr. Madonna Somers could be a mortal from Mount Olympus United Nations agency left her planet in search of associate degreeswer} to an energy crisis. however, a betrayal from her mysterious assistant left her stranded in the area (and time), far from anyone she’s ever worshipped.

Olympus Janus-faced a deep energy crisis. “But it wasn’t while sacrificing,” she recounts. “Not for the hero, except for somebody terribly special in her life.” Horizon was absorbed in her analysis and began seeing fewer and fewer of her son.

Dr. Somers and her assistant found “the crystals that might save America all”—a mineral referred to as Branthium. the 2 visited unknown regions within the universe to extract Branthium and Horizon secure her son that she’d come back.

Horizon’s ship flew getting ready for what seems like a region as a part of her mission to extract Branthium. however once she finally got her hand on the mineral, her assistant betrayed her, taking the resource home and deed her stranded in the area (and time). The assistant isn’t operating alone: “Do you've got the Branthium?” a mysterious voice asks her over comms.

Horizon spent 5 months at bay in her ship, such as eighty-seven years on her home planet of Mount Olympus. Her son, to whom she’d secure to come back, died throughout her imprisonment. The mortal designed some way to come back home, however, once she will land on Mount Olympus, the town is totally different—it seems like the target of a mysterious, ruinous accident.

The character hinted at the double-cross in one in every of her voice memos—“a wee little bit of betrayal before breakfast, eh dearie?”—and could have given away a reference to a personality that’s been obtaining a lot of and a lot of screen time in Apex: Ash, a simulacrum from Titanfall two.

Some of Ash’s voice lines at the top of the season 5 quest echo Horizon’s sayings. Ash herself repeats the “wee little bit of betrayal” quote and she or he additionally points out that “all roads cause Branthium.” Community figure Frozenfroh 
theorized that Ash might are Horizon’s assistant before dying and turning into a simulacrum.

The theory gains even a lot of credence once Blisk mentions to Ash that “a recent friend” of hers was returning. Ash and Horizon area unit definitely connected—and fans can seemingly conclude a lot of that association once Apex‘s seventh season, Ascension, launches in November. 4.

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