Apex Legends’ mysterious “UFO” is finally circling Kings Canyon and World’s Edge

 You’re not seeing things, Apex Legends fans. An unidentified flying object really is circling the arenas in Apex as a part of a season seven teaser—and it points to the earth of Psamathe.

Apex Legends’ mysterious “UFO” is finally circling Kings Canyon and World’s Edge

Players who drop into the Apex Games can notice a big flying structure hovering within the outskirts of both  Kings Canyon and the World’s Edge It’s hard to miss its trademark red balloons and colossal size, and legends can spot it even from the dropship.

Although this is often the structure’s first in-game appearance, fans spotted it during a dev stream months ago and began calling it a “UFO.” It’s also appeared in several other pieces of media, season four launch trailer and art for Loba’s episode of “Stories from the Outlands.”

The UFO may be a clear nod to the earth of Psamathe—more specifically, to its capital, Olympus. The structure’s previous appearances involve the town somehow: the season four launch trailer and Legacy of a Thief short both happen in Olympus.

The season five quest, The Broken Ghost, ended with an enormous hint toward the longer term. Ash, the Titanfall simulacrum, finished her monologue with an ominous greeting: “Welcome… to Olympus.” The epilogue shows Octane's lecture Lifeline, rattled by Ash’s creepy message and by the prospect of returning to their home city.

Ash’s mention of Darion and Duardo—two still unknown people in Apex lore—shakes Octane. “Just hearing their names makes me want to run. quite I usually want to run,” he tells Lifeline. If the subsequent season moves to Olympus, the duo could play a much bigger part within the coming story.

Psamathe also holds special significance for the storyline between Revenant and Loba. After the thief broke into the Hammond Robotics facility within the season five launch trailer, Revenant’s “source code” (his head) was moved to an undisclosed facility on Psamathe. Loba’s goal was to travel to the earth and destroy Revenant once and for all—and the simulacrum offered to assist her.

Fans speculated that season six would usher in a replacement map and advance the storyline between the simulacrum and therefore the thief, but the story arc was placed on hold after Respawn introduced a replacement competitor, Rampart. the subsequent season could resume that previous story, however, and dive deep into the new setting.

Players can see the UFO near Airbase on Kings Canyon and shut to Skyhook on World’s Edge, but it could move to specific places in each arena. “I assume it’ll move between days, just like the Leviathans,” community figure Frozenfroh theorized.

The dev stream screengrab shows the thing on the brink of The Broken Coast on Kings Canyon, just south of its current location. If Frozenfroh’s theory is correct, the thing could still fly until it reaches its destination, almost like the earth Harvester within the build-up to Apex‘s fourth season.

What’s inside the UFO?

Shrugtal, one among Apex‘s most prolific data miners,  recreated the structure before the season six launch, complete with all the small print inside. The UFO contains a “park-like area,” with grass, benches, trash cans, and cherry blossom trees—an important hint to the UFO’s likely origin.

Most media depicting Olympus, including launch trailers and loading screens, shows many cherry blossom trees within the city—the same trees that are scattered around the park, consistent with Shrugtal.

One name especially appears frequently within the UFO: Reseda. It’s scrawled on signs and landmarks throughout the world, including a “Reseda Trail.” In English, the word describes a selected genus of plant, but it could combat a replacement meaning within the Apex universe, like an organization or character.

The UFO may have also appeared as a part of Rampart’s official character art. A blueprint hiding in Rampart’s temporary workshop shows an object that appears sort of a top view of the UFO. But albeit that theory is correct, the connection between the modder and therefore the UFO remains unclear.

Shrugtal’s exploratory video is predicated on data-mined findings and reflects an unofficial version of the models used. albeit the video depicts an outdated build, it’s enough to offer fans thought of what it could appear as if and therefore the design directions involved. But with Apex‘s seventh season scheduled for release on Nov. 4, players shouldn’t need to wait too long to ascertain what’s inside.

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